The Fast Way To Detox

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How I got into fasting for detoxification

Fasting has become very popular in the last few years and some people refer to it as the “New Fad diet” even though our bodies have evolved with the necessary tools for fasting. 

Fasting has been practiced in multiple forms within different religious traditions for thousands of years so I would totally disagree when I hear people calling it a Fad.

Nowadays you can read articles that mock and criticise fasting and intermittent fasting, and the people practicing it. On the other hand, there are articles that clearly talk about emerging science on Fasting and Intermittent Fasting and the amazing results on our health and body. This is partly due to ketone fuelled energy and a more efficient cellular autophagy (the process by which components inside of cells, including proteins, are degraded and recycled) and this, surely cannot be ignored.

To each their own beliefs and opinions I would say, but where I get annoyed is when some of those articles criticizing fasting and their practitioners, are written by people who don’t know much about the subject, don’t understand it fully or, very often, haven’t even experienced it.

So, I am not going to write about the fact that research shows that fasting, whether religious or not, can have several health benefits or that it is dangerous for people with certain health conditions – this has all been done before.  I am going to write about my own story and how I discovered fasting and why I am now hooked to this practice. 

It all started Christmas 2010, I was in the middle of a depression and going through a bad time.  Tired and cranky all the time, I was lost and in desperate search of myself.  I just could not work out what I wanted to do with my life.  I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning, I got angry and upset really easily and nothing my family would do was ever good enough to please me.

So that Christmas, when my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas I snapped and told him I just wanted to go away on my own, to not have to cook, be a mom, clean, shop, drive people to and from places, I just wanted some peace for myself away from them all to rest and think. 

To my surprise, he just said, “ok, come up with where you want to go or what you want to do and this will be your Christmas present. In short, book yourself a holiday! ”

I truly did not expect that for an answer and was a little taken back but then thought to myself that it was an opportunity I could not pass.  I had dedicated my life to my family for 17 years, it was time I looked after myself.

A few days later I came back with a plan. 

  • I would stay in Ireland, just in case there was an emergency and I would have to come home in a hurry as the kids were still young.

  • I would cook all the balanced meals, label them with instructions on how to reheat/serve and freeze them.

  • I would fill up the fridge with all the necessary items for lunch boxes etc. 

I finally booked myself into Cloona, Westport.  Wow, what a break, it was one of the best weeks of my life (until I discovered fasting of course). 

I got the rest I so badly needed, the good nutrition I had been lacking due to my depression, the space and quiet I was looking for to think and meditate on my future.  I discovered Bihar yoga, netti pot and Laghoo Shankaprakshalana from the Ayurvedic teachings, fresh air and education on how to take care of myself on a physical and emotional level. 

I went home so refreshed and excited about my stay that when I discussed it in length with my sister she asked me to let her know if I was planning on going back the following year or do something similar again.

The next year, we decided to do a detox together.  I agreed we would do it in France and I asked her to find somewhere appropriate, not expecting her to come up with a “Fasting & Hiking” retreat.  At the time I was reluctant to take part as I thought it was a crazy and dangerous idea.  “There is no way we can survive not eating for a week”, I recall telling her over the phone.  “These people have been running this place for over 10 years, it must be safe”, she replied.  I decided to trust her and took the plunge!

Once I made the decision to fast for the first time back in 2011 and told my family, they really thought I had gone mad and I must say – their lack of support did not make me feel at ease.  Nonetheless, I was determined not to let my sister go through the experience alone since I had promised to trust her and go along.

Today, things have changed a bit, and everyone that knows me knows it is part of who I am.  In their eyes, I am also proof that if done properly, on a generally healthy body, with the right frame of mind and the proper supervision, fasting is quite safe and I would add, very healing for the body and soul.

Fasting has become a lot more popular in the last 5 years or so as well, as the Intermittent Fasting phenomena is exploding.  Many people are reporting successful stories with weight loss and exercise performance enhancement.  

For me the revelation was in 2010, when I discovered the powerful effect of detoxing the body, and in 2011 when I did my first 7 day fast using the Buchinger type method.  It was in a specialised “Hiking & Fasting” centre in France called l’Amandier.

I have to say that at the time and for a first fast, my sister and I had chosen a great venue and were well accompanied by an experienced and knowledgeable naturopath, Pierre, who still runs the centre with his wife Dominique. 

I had my physical health (apart from carrying too much weight and being a depressed smoker at the time).  I had no serious pathologies nor was I on any medication.  There are specialised and medicalised centres for sick people in Germany, Spain and the USA, where you can go for a “therapeutic” fast.  Mine was purely “physiological”, for the well-being it brings and this is what I brought to Ireland through my detox retreat programs.

As a rule of thumb, once you make up your mind to do a week or more of fasting, there is a "before" and an "after" phase not to be dismissed, and the instructions are sent to you prior to your arrival at the centre, if it is run properly and professionally as it is most important to ensure the safety of the practicioner.

When I arrived with my sister, I did not really know what to expect apart from the fact that I wasn’t going to be fed for that week.  I was a little apprehensive about how things were going to unravel but our hosts were able to put us and the group in total trust straight away. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to walk 3+ hours a day and do miles while fasting and it gave me a feeling of great satisfaction of having surpassed myself. The evening conferences were most informative on how the body works and the daily workshops of yoga, qi gong, relaxation, etc. where most enjoyable, with the sauna and jacuzzi as the cherry on the cake for this totally new detox experience.

We were very lucky in terms of group cohesion too, which was also a real support and an extraordinary adventure.  It was one of the best experiences of my life.  I made great friendships with a few of the people who were there and I am still in touch with them today.  What we shared was something really special that affected us all very deeply.  The whole experience felt like a total Re-Birth, a rediscovery of my body and my mind.   Thanks to this first fast I learned so much about myself, but especially about my body.  By the way I felt when I left, i knew it very much appreciated this period of rest and cleansing I gave it!

Since then, I have been fasting yearly, as I know I don’t feel right without it.  I have tried different centres and various lengths of fasting periods such as 7, 10 and 14 days at a time.  I have met many fasters and have shared many of their experiences each more profound than the other.

For all of the above reasons, after having trained and graduated as a Nutritional Therapist with the Irish Institute of Nutrition and Health, Bray in 2016, I decided to do the Fasting Coach Certificate at the Institute of Naturopathy in Paris in 2018. I now confidently accompany Fasters during residential detox retreats in Wicklow, Ireland with my colleague Gabby, a nurse with 30 years’ experience in healthcare. With our combined skills and expertise, continuous desire to learn about the body and mind, and both our personal experience of fasting, we are ready to safely guide you, and share this wonderful experience with you. 

Yes, I have said it earlier, Fasting is really easy to do safely, if you are, generally speaking, of good health*, and it can bring infinite joy to one’s life. 

Our client’s testimonials say it all, and 90% of our previous fasters have embraced and enjoyed the experience so much that they have said they will do it again .

But you can be the judge of that when you join us and we guide you through your journey of:

  • rebooting your health potential and

  • the re-discovery of your body and mind.  

* Please note that fasting can prove to be dangerous for people with poor health or certain health conditions and there are many contra-indications to bear in mind. These can be found on my website under “Who should not fast”. Should you have any health concerns – please consult with your doctor before attempting your first fast.

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