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Prostate Health: Take Action Now!

Maintaining prostate health naturally is becoming an increasingly popular approach among men looking to support their well-being. In this blog post, we explore the benefits of using natural ingredients such as saw palmetto, nettle root, zinc, and more. These powerful components have been shown to promote prostate health, reduce inflammation, and support overall urinary function. Join me as I delve into the science behind these natural remedies for optimal prostate health.

Current medical advice for dealing with prostate issues can seem shocking, even outrageous. Here are some of the commonly recommended steps:

  • Stop drinking fluids after 6 p.m.

  • Sit down while urinating (easier said than done with a urinal!)

  • Wear adult diapers

"Don't worry, sir, modern adult diapers are very comfortable," they assure us.

But this advice essentially means giving up on:

  • Sleeping through the night without constant interruptions

  • Quickly and completely emptying your bladder, avoiding false starts and stops

  • Enjoying a movie or theater performance without needing to get up mid-show

  • Experiencing a strong, consistent urine stream

Thankfully, nature has a way of restoring normal prostate function and urination. However, understanding the problem is crucial for finding the right solutions. Remember, if left untreated, the prostate will inevitably continue to swell.

Prostate: Don't wait until it's the size of an orange!

Prostate Growth Over Time: What to Expect

In a young man, the prostate is about the size of a chestnut. It goes unnoticed and doesn’t exert pressure on the bladder or urethra, allowing everything to function smoothly.

However, as the years pass, several factors cause the prostate to enlarge. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Age 50: The prostate grows to the size of a lemon. Urges to urinate become more frequent and sudden, and the prostate becomes painful. At this stage, there’s a 50% chance of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Symptoms include straining to urinate, a weak and intermittent urine stream, a sensation of incomplete emptying, and dribbling. The pressure on the urethra can also lead to erectile dysfunction.

  • Age 60: The prostate may reach the size of an orange, further increasing pressure on the bladder and urethra. By now, there’s a 90% chance of having BPH, significantly raising the risk of impotence and permanent incontinence.

  • Age 70 and beyond: Over 90% of men are affected by an enlarged prostate, leading to significant urinary and sexual health issues.

Understanding these changes is crucial for managing prostate health and seeking appropriate treatment.

Why Does the Prostate Swell?

Several factors contribute to the enlargement of the prostate gland. Key reasons include:

  • Cell Damage: Chronic inflammation and oxidation can damage cells within the prostate.

  • Hormonal Changes: Aging leads to hormonal changes, significantly impacting prostate size.

In the 1960s, Chinese researchers discovered that eunuchs (a man who has been castrated, especially one who, in the past, was employed to guard the women's living quarters in an Asian court) did not experience prostate enlargement; in 80% of cases, their prostate was undetectable by touch. This is because the prostate is a sexual organ influenced by male sex hormones.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is primarily caused by the accelerated conversion of natural testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent form of testosterone. Diet plays a crucial role in these hormonal changes, which are exacerbated by modern dietary practices, including:

  • Excessive consumption of dairy products

  • Use of female hormones to accelerate cattle growth

  • Omnipresence of endocrine disruptors in everyday products (cosmetics, packaging, detergents, etc.)

  • Extensive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in intensive agriculture

These factors influence hormonal secretions and promote prostate enlargement. Therefore, consuming products from organic farming is recommended to minimize exposure to harmful substances.

However, a healthy lifestyle alone may not be sufficient. That's why I will share the best natural remedies for prostate problems.

Take Action Early: Prostate Health and Natural Remedies

Scientific studies demonstrate that certain nutrients have powerful effects in preventing and alleviating prostate problems. The sooner and more consistently these nutrients are taken, the lower the risk of developing prostate issues. For men already experiencing prostate problems, these nutrients can help restore a normal life by:

  • Quickly reducing the urge to urinate

  • Enabling complete bladder emptying

  • Allowing for a normal, deep sleep without nighttime interruptions

Many men notice these improvements within just a few weeks. Unlike conventional treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), these natural remedies have no side effects.

Avoid Common Mistakes and Harmful Treatments

Many men unknowingly make critical mistakes in managing prostate problems. Conventional medical treatments for these issues can be alarming. Since prostate disorders are often linked to hormonal imbalances, patients are first prescribed drugs that alter their hormones, leading to side effects like reduced libido, hair loss, and painful breast enlargement (gynecomastia). If hormonal treatments fail, prostate removal may be recommended, carrying risks of impotence and permanent incontinence, which may necessitate wearing diapers.

To protect their health and virility, men should take proactive steps as early as possible. The first step is understanding which plants and nutrients are effective and how to combine them for maximum benefit. It's not enough to rely on a single plant, such as saw palmetto, but rather to use a comprehensive approach.

Florida Palm (Saw Palmetto) Alone is Not Enough

Next time you visit a pharmacy or organic store, check the ingredients of natural prostate products. Most of them include Florida palm (saw palmetto or sabal). You've likely heard that it has been used for centuries. While that's true, its effectiveness is limited.

A simple saw palmetto pill offers only mediocre results, suitable for minor prostate issues. To regain full function in both the bathroom and the bedroom, you need the powerful active ingredient within saw palmetto, in a concentrated form. This active ingredient is called beta-sitosterol, or BTA for short.

The Power of Beta-Sitosterol (BTA)

BTA is the key active ingredient in saw palmetto. When sufficiently concentrated, BTA helps you empty your bladder completely, reducing the need for frequent trips to the toilet. A significant study showed that BTA increases urine flow by 3.5 times more than a placebo.

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study, 200 men with benign prostatic hyperplasia were given 180 mg of BTA or a placebo daily. After six months, those taking BTA saw their urine flow increase from 9.9 ml/s to 15.2 ml/s, while the control group saw only a minor increase from 10.2 to 11.4 ml/s. Additionally, residual urine in the bladder decreased from 65.8 mL to 30.4 mL, a reduction of almost 65% [1] .

This was the first high-quality study to demonstrate such a significant effect of a natural prostate product. You might worry that the effect is too strong, but rest assured, it won’t turn you into an uncontrollable fire hose. Instead of urinating a few drops at a time, BTA allows for a more substantial, satisfying flow, cutting down the time you spend in the bathroom.

Other Effective Plants

Other plants with high concentrations of BTA have also shown impressive effects against prostate problems. These include:

  • Nettle root

  • African plum

  • Pumpkin seeds

Using a combination of these plants and nutrients can maximize their benefits and provide significant relief from prostate issues.

The Reference Plant in Modern Herbal Medicine

Herbalists refer to nettle as "the plant of a thousand virtues." In Germany, health authorities have recognized its benefits for treating urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate. A 2013 clinical study of 720 patients indicated that nettle extract improves urinary symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and reduces prostate size compared to a placebo [2].

Nettle leaves also contain quercetin, a flavonoid that alleviates inflammatory symptoms of the prostate [3]. The effective dosage for nettle root (Urtica dioica) begins at 100 mg per day.

Pygeum africanum: A Traditional Remedy for "Old Man's Disease"

Known as the African plum tree, Pygeum africanum has been used by South African tribes to treat bladder disorders commonly referred to as "old man's disease." This plant helps the bladder contract, making urination easier. Additionally, Pygeum africanum slows down the growth of prostate cells, addressing the core issue of an enlarged prostate that blocks the urethra.

This remedy is not only traditional; in Europe, Pygeum africanum bark extract has been used medically to treat BPH since the mid-1960s [4]. A 2002 meta-analysis of 1,562 patients concluded that African plum is effective in relieving urinary disorders associated with BPH. One clinical study showed that the benefits of African plum persisted for one month after stopping treatment [5].

The effects are noticeable at a dosage of 100 mg per day of Pygeum africanum.

Combining these plants with other nutrients can offer significant relief and improve prostate health.

With Pumpkin Seed, You'll Go Less Often

The World Health Organization recognizes the medicinal use of pumpkin seeds to alleviate symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In a study of 60 men with BPH, 90% reported good or very good improvement in urinary comfort after using pumpkin seed oil for 7 to 10 months [6]. This improvement included fewer sudden and frequent urges to urinate, a feeling of complete bladder emptying, and a stronger, more regular urine stream.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds can be felt within the first few weeks. In a study of 2,245 patients with BPH, the number of daily urinations decreased from 9 to 6 after 12 weeks with a daily dose of 500 to 1,000 mg of pumpkin seed extract [7].

Combining Nature's Secrets for Prostate Health

By identifying complementary plants and nutrients, it is possible to enhance their benefits. For example, researchers began combining Florida palm (saw palmetto) and nettle in 1995 to achieve better results.[8] Other studies have shown that combining African plum (Pygeum africanum) with nettle or Florida palm also leads to greater effectiveness against prostate disorders. [9]

There are many possible combinations that can help you achieve:

  • A more powerful urine flow without straining

  • Better bladder emptying, allowing you to fully empty your bladder in one go

  • A full night's sleep without interruptions from a malfunctioning "biological clock"

  • A healthy prostate, giving you peace of mind

In addition to these plants, it is advisable to increase your zinc intake to further support prostate health.

Shrink Your Prostate with Zinc

Research shows that higher levels of zinc in prostate cells correlate with reduced cell growth. Zinc induces apoptosis (cell suicide), which helps to decrease the prostate's volume. This apoptotic effect occurs because zinc triggers the autoregulation of cell growth genes in the mitochondria. [10]

Additionally, zinc inhibits the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone responsible for prostate enlargement.

Zinc and Intimate Life

You might already know about the special effects of zinc-rich foods on intimate life. Oysters, which are the richest natural source of zinc, are renowned as "the champions of aphrodisiacs" [11]. This is because zinc stimulates the production of testosterone and male semen, which is very zinc-rich. A healthier prostate, supported by adequate zinc levels, often leads to a more satisfying and intense intimate life.

All-in-One Formulas for Prostate Health

Today, you don't need to gather each ingredient separately and take multiple capsules just for prostate health. Comprehensive formulas combine several effective ingredients, making it easier and more cost-effective to manage prostate issues.

Some of the most compelling products in this category include:

  • Prostate Formula from Cell'Innov Laboratory (

  • ProstaNatural by Super Smart (

  • Olliman formula from Olliscience Laboratories

These products contain a good dose of zinc and several plants rich in BTA, the essential active ingredient for combating prostate problems.


Incorporating zinc and other natural ingredients into your regimen can significantly improve prostate health and overall quality of life. Not only do these elements help shrink the prostate and alleviate urinary symptoms, but they also enhance intimate life. Using all-in-one formulas makes it easier to manage your prostate health effectively, providing a convenient and comprehensive solution to support a healthier, more satisfying life.

Here are some practical tips on how you can incorporate natural ingredients into your daily routine for optimal prostate health:

  1. Nettle Root Tea: Incorporate nettle root tea into your daily routine. You can find dried nettle root at health food stores. Brew a cup of nettle root tea in the morning or evening to enjoy its benefits.

  2. Zinc-Rich Foods: Include zinc-rich foods in your diet to support prostate health. Foods such as pumpkin seeds, oysters, beef, and spinach are excellent sources of zinc. Aim to incorporate these foods into your meals regularly.

  3. Balanced Diet: Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. A healthy diet provides essential vitamins and minerals that support overall prostate health.

  4. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support urinary function. Aim for 35ml of water per kilo of body weight daily, more if you are active or live in a hot climate.

  5. Exercise Regularly: Engage in regular physical activity to improve overall health, including prostate health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

  6. Consult with a Healthcare Provider: Before starting any new supplement regimen, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for you and won’t interfere with any existing conditions or medications.

  7. Prostate Health Supplements: Consider taking a comprehensive prostate health supplement that combines saw palmetto, nettle root, zinc, and other beneficial ingredients. Follow the recommended dosage on the product label.

By incorporating these natural ingredients and healthy habits into your daily routine, you can support your prostate health effectively and naturally.

Sources : 

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