The Fast Way To Detox

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What are the Benefits of a Juice Detox?

Are you tempted by a fruit and vegetable detox? Discover in this article the formidable powers of the juice cleanse.

How does this work?

To rid the body of toxins, nothing better than a detox with juices. It relieves the digestive system, purifies the body, restores vitality and the benefits can be felt after only a few days. Here is an overview of a technique that can be beneficial to our health, with some tips to approach a juice detox in the best conditions.

A very healthy digestive break

The detox from juices is based on a very simple diet, based on fruits and vegetables only. It has the particularity of offering juices without fibre, thanks to the mechanism of the extractor. The result is a concentration of minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which are easily assimilated by the body. In the absence of fibre, digestion is put to rest, which releases a surplus of energy that the body takes advantage of to carry out its other missions, including that of detoxifying.

Like any restrictive diet, it requires some effort, can tire momentarily and induce some side effects.  This is why it should not last more than a week and is generally practised in a detox retreat centre that offers participants a suitable and secure environment. For the first time, you can do a juice detox at home with a juicer for a day, then two, then three, etc. and observe how you react. For longer juice detox, going to a centre like ours is preferable, because you are cut off from everyday life and immerse yourself in an ideal environment to let yourself be supported by health professionals.

Zoom on the specificity of the extractor

This machine is equipped with a motor that drives an auger, which presses the plants introduced into the machine to produce a liquid separated from the fibres that are evacuated in a separate container. It is renowned for its extraction quality due to the very slow rotation speed of the auger. This mechanism preserves the quality of nutrients, which is especially sought after during a plant-based juice detox. Other devices such as the blender, grind food very quickly and generate heat by reaction. The extractor operates at low speed, which does not produce heat, this is what is referred to as cold press extraction.

Detoxification supported by the power of plants

Another significant benefit is the juice detox using a cold press extractor allows the body to stimulate its natural detoxification and purification functions. It acts on the emunctory organs, which are dedicated to the filtration and elimination of toxins and waste, especially the liver, kidneys and intestines.

Fruits and vegetables are chosen for their depurative, regenerating or diuretic properties with a specific action on certain organs; It is also possible to combine them to maximize the effects on emunctories.

The choice of vegetables and fruits used at our retreats to prepare the daily juices are numerous with the ratio of vegetables being much higher than the ratio of fruits in particular to bring more flavour. Among the plants used during our detox retreats, we like spinach, fennel, celery, carrots, beetroot, turmeric, ginger, lemon, apple, etc.  They have the advantage of being eaten raw, which preserves their nutritional qualities, which would have been largely lost if cooked.

We usually recommend a juice detox at the change of seasons, in Spring and Autumn to support the body in this phase, in the first case to get rid of the overloads accumulated during the winter and the second, to fill up with energy before winter. Our detox retreats last between 5 to 7 days.

What about weight loss following the juice detox retreat?

Questions about the weight loss benefits of this diet are frequent, but answering them suggests a specific precaution. It is easy to imagine that this diet and the evacuation of toxins promote weight loss.  You will certainly feel lighter, and the effect of such detox will likely cause awareness, with the will to adopt new eating habits moving forward. On the other hand, weight loss can only be achieved in the long term but a juice detox will give a health reboot and a starting point, then it is up to the retreat participant to get involved in their long-term lifestyle transformation journey.  This implies prioritising healthy eating and practising regular exercise. No diet produces immediate results, let alone a one-time juicer detox. So don't be fooled by media messages about "miracle" detoxes.

An opportunity to take a well-being break

As discussed above, this technique supports your health by supporting detox and purifying your organs and tissues. Food is at the heart of the process, but ideally, lifestyle should also be modified to maximize the benefits of a detox. Two other levers should not be neglected, namely physical and psycho-emotional activity. The first one supports the proper function of detox organs, helping to move toxins (walking 1 hour every day is very achievable by most people) and the second, will support relaxation of the nervous system, releasing more energy to the body which is busy detoxifying. This is why a juice detox retreat also allows for rest: slowing down is more than recommended for the body to reboot and rejuvenate. If you want to get started while maintaining a busy schedule, you will disrupt your balance and get too tired to see your detox through. So choose the right time to be able to adapt your routine and reduce your pace: taking time for yourself and prioritising your health for a few days.

Finally, remember that a juice detox is not always lived well and is unsuitable for everyone. You need to be generally in good health and fully committed to this “appointment” with yourself. It is contraindicated for anyone unwell, tired or suffering from an eating disorder. If in doubt, check with your doctor. This detox is indeed less demanding than fasting, but it remains restrictive and must be approached responsibly.


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