The 3 Phases of Your Detox at our Fasting Retreats
Our Fasting Retreats contain 3 phases which are best to be adhered to for optimal results.
Food Reduction
at home
By easing you slowly into and out of the detox, we can help you avoid negative side effects, such as headaches, nausea or hunger at the beginning of your fast.
Therefore, a week before starting it is advisable to prepare, by doing a "food descent": removing a family of food every day (animal proteins, grains, legumes, to finish with just eating fruits & vegetables the day before your fast) and reducing the quantities of food taken in as the fast approaches.
Guidelines on how to prepare for your fast are emailed to you in an eBook format, once your booking is confirmed and the deposit is paid.
The Fast or Detox Phase
at the centre
On the “Buchinger” type fast, you will be served approximately 250 calories daily in the form of vegetable & fruit juice mix (1/4 litre/day) and vegetable broth (1/4 litre/day). Water and various herbal teas (2litres/day at least) will be available throughout the day.
Note that these 250 calories are only a supplement, the main fuel for your brain and body cells will come from the fat (triglycerides) contained in your Adipose tissue.
On the “Juicing & Souping” detox, you will be served daily, 2 vegetable & fruit juices (breakfast and lunch) and a superfood-packed soup in the evenings, getting in fibre. Some soups will also have protein if they contain beans and sprouted seeds /grains in them. Water and various herbal teas (2 litres/day at least) will be available throughout the day.
The Food Re-Introduction Phase
at home
The first day of food reintroduction at the retreat will remain very light: flaxseeds and prunes in the morning to “restart the engine”, steamed and raw/fermented vegetables at lunch time, to feed your microbiome.
In the evening when you get home we recommend a vegetable soup or more steamed vegetables in order to continue gently on the kick-start of your digestive and enzymatic systems, which have been resting for the last week.
After that, and for the following two-four day, we recommend:
non-gluten oatmeal porridge with compote for breakfast,
a plate of raw vegetables/salads, cooked vegetables, potatoes with a drizzle of olive or walnut oil for lunch, and
vegetables and gluten-free cereals like amaranth, buckwheat, rice (brown, or wild), millet, quinoa, etc. in the evening.
Animal proteins, alcohol, and stimulants such as coffee, tea, etc. will be reintroduced from day four and five following your fast. An eBook with guidelines will also be provided to you before your departure from the retreat.