What to Expect at our Fasting Retreats?
Our Fasting, Nature Walks & Mindfulness Retreats are based around the fasting method developed by the Büchinger clinic’s founder, Dr. Otto Buchinger, and are perfectly accessible and safe for anyone in good general health.
Dr. Otto Buchinger (1878-1966) discovered the benefits of fasting when, in 1918, after decommissioning from the German navy due to ill health, his colleague Gustav Riedlin recommended he fasted.
Buchinger suffered from tonsillitis that never completely healed and led to rheumatism in his joints. After 19 days of fasting, his condition started to improve rapidly and Buchinger found that strength and movement quickly returned to his crippled fingers.
Following his complete recovery, he turned to fasting as a therapy with full interest and enthusiasm and dedicated his time in research to understand why fasting was so effective. His book “The Therapeutic Fasting Cure” (1920) influenced the opening of many fasting clinics across Europe, and especially in his native Germany.
“During a fast, the body is fine, it is the soul that is hungry!”
During the retreat, you will have the chance to eliminate some of the toxins accumulated over the years through diets, processed foods, food preservatives, colorants & chemicals, chronic stress, and environmental air pollution to mention a few.
Although our bodies are cleverly designed with four main exit routes for our metabolic waste, they often struggle with the natural process of detoxification and rarely achieve a state of complete wellness and vitality.
When we start experiencing unpleasant symptoms of fatigue, grey complexion, lack of energy, irritability, illness and diseases, our bodies are telling us they are intoxicated, and in serious need of an internal cleanse.
Our Fasting & Detox Retreats are truly a beautiful gift you are giving yourself. A complete body “Reboot” to optimise your health potential!
The Fast Way to Detox retreats currently run for 6 days/5 nights, from 4.30pm on day 1 to about 2pm on day 6 and a typical day would look like this:
Morning Routine:
Wake up: detox routine (mouth pulling, lemon & hot water, skin brushing, earthing*, etc.), herbal teas or infusions according to your wishes,
*Apparently, when your bare feet make contact with the Earth’s surface your body uptakes a natural and subtle energy which could be referred to as vitamin G – G for ground.
9:00 am: Freshly extracted fruit juice, round- table talk about your night, muscular awakening, light stretching, light yoga or Do-In (a self-massage technique from traditional Japanese medicine)
10.30 am: Departure for our nature walk. The walks will be indicated at the beginning of the week. They will take place whatever the weather, so please bring appropriate clothing.
Afternoon Routine:
2 pm: return from our nature walk and relaxation for all - nap, reading, or treatments if therapists have been booked.
6:30 pm: organic vegetable broth and round table talk about your day
6.30 -8 pm: workshop with Gabby and/or Corinne
8 pm: relaxation for all, bed, reading, DVD.
Daily Detox Menu:
- homemade organic vegetable broth
- fresh extracted organic fruit / vegetable juice
- lemon/ginger slices
- herbal teas (Honey only if required)
- water to be drunk in large quantities throughout the day (minimum 2 litres)
Talk to us if you wish to be on a mono-diet.
Last Day of the Retreat:
On the last day, there will only be no walks unless people are up early and want to go around the hotel grounds.
We will break the fast with a light breakfast (flax seeds and prunes) instead of the morning juice.
Lunch preparation will start on the previous evening in our last evening workshop and will consist of seasonal steamed and raw organic vegetables. Prepare yourself for a visual and tasteful treat!
Departure from the centre after lunch, around 1.30 pm
Other Details:
By easing you slowly into and out of the fast, we can help you avoid negative side effects (also called curative crisis or keto flu), such as headaches, nausea or hunger at the beginning of your fast.
Therefore, guidelines on how to prepare for your fast and foods to avoid prior to your fast will be emailed to you once your booking is confirmed and deposit is paid.
Book a Retreat or an Online Program!
Since Covid, we now offer Intermittent Fasting “Self-Study” online programs, giving you all the benefits and support of a fasting retreat in the comfort of your own home.
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little, and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”